Meeting My Favorite Color

Gargi Tawde
3 min readMay 29, 2020
Image by Gargi Tawde

The color we love most is the one we see no matter where we go; it’s the mood we carry everyday; it’s the sights and sounds and smells that we experience. Our favorite color is a lot more than the paint on our walls and the clothes we wear; it’s a way of life. And the following poem is an ode to mine. Much Love.

I didn’t know what my favorite color was for the longest time.

One second I didn’t recognize her —

The next, she was all that I could see:


She engulfs me in the warmest of hugs;

She is the clear skies and sunny days that I have always been partial to.

Her laughter bubbles up through her throat and comes out in the sound of “Yellow Brick Road” by Elton John;

She’s every song I’ve ever loved.

Her eyes sparkle like sunlight reflecting off of freshly fallen snow —

You can’t look away.

When she walks into the room it feels like time goes backwards;

There is a vintage air about her: the clothing, the posture, the words she says.

She’s from today and long ago;


Sometimes yellow is pale, subtle.

She likes sunflowers, daisies, and roses too.

She likes traveling the world,

Eating something new.

She likes large cups of coffee,

And the sound laptop keys make.

She likes curling up in bed on a rainy day,

The sound of the rain seldom keeping her awake.

Sometimes yellow is pale, subtle.

One second I didn’t recognize her —

The next, she was all that I could see.

Through yellow colored glasses I choose to experience my world;

Because yellow is what I love…

Yellow, is me.

Yellow is the sunrise after an all-nighter;

Dancing in the parking lot at 3 A.M. .

Yellow is the view from the top of the hill after an early morning hike;

Bustling airports filled with different sights and sounds;

The smell of coffee;

Seeing the Millennium Falcon in person;

A drive with your friends to go get doughnuts from a different city;

A long bus ride to go get burgers;

Surprise visits from your best friends;

Rewatching Gilmore Girls for the millionth time;

The serene silence of Disneyland in the morning.

Yellow is friends checking in;

The best birthday weekend planned by people who truly love you.

Powdered sugar coated smiles from a bag of beignets;

Singing happy birthday right as the clock strikes 12;

Rain hitting the windows;

Late night FaceTime calls with your best friends;

Afternoons spent doing everything and nothing.

Yellow is light up Minnie Mouse ears;

And Cars Land after dark;

Foam topping on a latte;

Comfort food on a bad day;

Star Wars marathons, and Harry Potter ones too;

The nostalgia of a Polaroid camera;

“Blackbird” by The Beatles;

Cooking for and with the people you love;

Seeing your girls happy;

Being the mom friend and loving it.

Yellow is blasting music on long drives with friends;

It is lash lifts as a birthday treat;

Being invited to go pen shopping;

A beautiful tuxedo cat;

A drive-through ice cream place;

Snowball fights until your fingers go numb;

Spending “too much” on Legos;

A bucket list of places you want to travel;

Picking up your best friend’s native language;

A Wii that refuses to stop working;

A picture of something random sent because it “reminded me of you”.

I didn’t know what my favorite color was for the longest time.

One second I didn’t recognize her —

The next, she was all that I could see.

Because yellow is everything that I love,

And all that I am.

Yellow, is me.

